The Sisterhood is the thriving women’s organization of Temple Emmanuel!
Our mission is to bring women of all ages and interests together to foster a strong Jewish identity while also supporting Temple Emmanuel. We proudly support Jewish education with our annual contribution to the religious school of Temple Emmanuel.
Planned by dedicated officers, a board of directors and committees, varied, stimulating and fun social, cultural, creative and educational events are presented throughout the year. Annual well attended events include the Kick Off Supper, Chanukah Brunch, Movie/Pizza Night and Donor Dinner; all this along with speakers, entertainers and craft programs. New programming ideas are always welcome!
During the pandemic we successfully held events via Zoom or, when safe to do so, gathered outdoors on the grounds of Temple Emmanuel.
Membership is open to all women. Although Temple Emmanuel membership is not a requirement, all first year members of the Temple receive a free one year Sisterhood membership.
If you are not already a member, please join us!
If you’d like to pay your dues online, you can do that here!
Or if you’d like to make a donation, we’d love that too!!