High Holidays 2024/5785

Seating for High Holidays

As we approach the High Holy Days, we cordially invite our members to request tickets for our Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services. These services are an essential part of our Temple’s mission, and the sale of holiday seating is a significant source of our revenue. Purchasing tickets contribute to all aspects of temple life, including ritual services, continuing education, community outreach, and social programs. Additionally, your support helps us maintain and preserve our stately building, ensuring it remains a source of inspiration for future generations. By prepaying for the seats, we can ensure that everyone will receive the Holiday Machzorim (for those attending via Zoom), the Temple High Holiday booklet, and other related items representative of the season.

Our services will be conducted hybrid, with in-person and virtual Zoom options available to our congregants. Those who prefer to “Zoom in” can borrow the special holiday prayer book. All times and dates for our Shabbat holiday and special event celebrations will be available by email on the Temple Blast and the Temple website. If you have not registered for High Holiday services this year, please click here.

Seat Purchase

The requested donations for 2024 are as follows:

  • $200 per member, age 12 and above
  • $280 per non-member, age 12 and above
  • $50 for each child from age 3 to age 12 (both member & non-member)
  • Children under age 3 are free (both member & non-member)

You can purchase seats online here.

When you register/purchase seats, you’ll be sent the Zoom link if you attend remotely. If you need it re-sent, don’t hesitate to contact us via email. If you and your family plan to be remote, you can pick up your Machzor prayer books at the temple.   If you have any questions about the High Holidays, please don’t hesitate to contact us via email or Facebook. 

Yizkor Book

Temple Emmanuel will continue our well-received Community Memorial Booklet for Yom Kippur Yizkor this year. If you would like to honor the memory of your loved ones, please use donation form. Please be sure to include the names you wish to honor in the comment section.

Financial Assistance

Financial challenges should never be a barrier to purchasing seating. Please contact the treasurer or Temple’s president if you need to make special payment arrangements or request a reduction in your personal pledge dues.

We look forward to your participation in our in-person or virtual services during this repentance, return, and renewal period.