10 events found.
Sisterhood Kick Off Brunch in the Sukkah including a Book Swap
When: Sunday October 16, 2022 Time: 11:30 AM Where: Weather permitting in and around the Temple’s Sukkah, indoors if necessary Food: Dairy and Vegetarian Brunch Bring: Chairs and BOOKS to swap. Masks are optional Program: Our own Alissa Onigman will talk about her style of creating mosaics. We have been seeing photos Read More ...
Erev Shemini Atzeret (no service)
Simcha Torah Family Celebration
Shabbat at Breakheart Reservation
Shabbat at Breakheart
Jewish Wilderness Spirituality Meeting with Rabbi Greg Saturday Morning at the Northeast Regional Vocational School, 100 Hemlock Road, Wakefield at 9:30 AM at the larger parking lot to the right of the Vocational School Building Please click on the link below for directions https://goo.gl/maps/bntTRr8bd5x