Adult Ed: Jewish Geographies, Germany
The Torah correctly prophesied that the Jewish people would spread to the four corners of the world. This class will delve into the history of how Jewish people ended up in nearly every country on earth! Each class will focus on one country or region, highlighting Jewish migrations and some of the famous people and Read More ...
Jewish Meditation Circle
Yom HaShoah Holocaust Memorial Event
The Hebrew date for Yom HaShoah (27 Nissan) this year begins on the evening of Monday, April 17. Following up on the initiative to hold a Jewish community-wide Yom HaShoah ceremony, Temple Ner Tamid of Peabody has generously offered to host the ceremony at their synagogue that evening. NSRCA (North Shore Rabbis and Cantors Association) is Read More ...
Ways and Means Committee Meeting
Erev Shabbat Celebration
Shabbat at Breakheart
Jewish Wilderness Spirituality Meeting with Rabbi Greg Saturday Morning at the Northeast Regional Vocational School, 100 Hemlock Road, Wakefield at 9:30 AM at the larger parking lot to the right of the Vocational School Building Please click on the link below for directions