Sisterhood Donor Lunch
Temple Reads: The Marriage of Opposites by Alice Hoffman
The Marriage of Opposites by Alice Hoffman Sunday, June 11 at 7:00 PM via Zoom Growing up on idyllic St. Thomas in the early 1800s, Rachel dreams of life in faraway Paris. Rachel’s mother, a pillar of their small refugee community of Jews who escaped the Inquisition, has never forgiven her daughter for being Read More ...
Ways and Means Committee Meeting
Temple Board Meeting
Adult Ed: Jewish Geographies, Egypt, Ethiopia/other African Jewish Communities
The Torah correctly prophesied that the Jewish people would spread to the four corners of the world. This class will delve into the history of how Jewish people ended up in nearly every country on earth! Each class will focus on one country or region, highlighting Jewish migrations and some of the famous people and Read More ...
Pot Luck followed by Erev Shabbat Celebration
POT LUCK!! Yes, Pot Luck is back!!! Bring a dish that we can all share, such as: Pasta (macaroni and cheese, creamy broccoli alfredo...) Dairy (cheese & crackers, cheese blintzes...) Fish (salmon loaf, tuna casserole...) Veggies (salad, raw sticks with a dip...) Beans, grains, legumes (bean salad, quinoa casserole...) NO MEAT Read More ...