Adult Ed: Jewish Geographies, France
The Torah correctly prophesied that the Jewish people would spread to the four corners of the world. This class will delve into the history of how Jewish people ended up in nearly every country on earth! Each class will focus on one country or region, highlighting Jewish migrations and some of the famous people and Read More ...
Kasher the Kitchen for Passover
Sisterhood Sunday Walkers
When: Sunday April 2, 2023, weather dependent Time: 11 AM Where: Regus - Wakefield - Edgewater Place "An amazing gem of industrial park with parklands. My son was determined to find remnants of the old Pleasure Island amusement park and he was thrilled." Meeting location: Parking lot in front of the building 301 Edgewater Place, Wakefield Parking: Lots Read More ...
Adult Ed: Simcha Sing-Alongs
Simcha Sing-Alongs Prepare for the upcoming holidays by learning their songs! Together, we'll investigate the lyrics and sing! All participants will be invited to sing the songs we learn at our holiday celebrations.