10 events found.
Sisterhood Sunday Walkers CANCELLED
When: Sunday June 4, 2023, weather permitting Time: 11:00 AM Where: Breakheart Reservation Meeting location: Northeast Regional High School 100 Hemlock Rd. Wakefield, parking lot to the R of the building Parking: Parking lot in front of the building RSVP: Sue Hochberg [email protected] . Please let me know if you are coming Trail information: 3 mile paved loop, hilly in Read More ...
Membership Committee Meeting
Adult Ed: India and China
The Torah correctly prophesied that the Jewish people would spread to the four corners of the world. This class will delve into the history of how Jewish people ended up in nearly every country on earth! Each class will focus on one country or region, highlighting Jewish migrations and some of the famous people and Read More ...
Tot Shabbat
Tot Shabbat