Adult Ed: Jewish Geographies, Italy
The Torah correctly prophesied that the Jewish people would spread to the four corners of the world. This class will delve into the history of how Jewish people ended up in nearly every country on earth! Each class will focus on one country or region, highlighting Jewish migrations and some of the famous people and Read More ...
Sisterhood Program: Susan Silbovitz Food Demo
DIPPING INTO SPRING WATCH SUSAN AS SHE DEMONSTRATES HOW TO MAKE: IRISH SODA BREAD KABOCHA SQUASH SOUP MUCH BETTER THAN BUTTER BOARD MARCH 19 2:00 PM PLEASE RSVP: [email protected] ZOOM INFO:Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84836816909?pwd=WHJoZWVrLzJDZFhsMTF2V2h2S3FoQT09 Meeting ID: 848 3681 6909 Passcode: 505371 recipes available upon request
Ways & Means Committee Meeting
Kitah Bet
Kitah Gimmel
Shabbat at Breakheart
Jewish Wilderness Spirituality Meeting with Rabbi Greg Saturday Morning at the Northeast Regional Vocational School, 100 Hemlock Road, Wakefield at 9:30 AM at the larger parking lot to the right of the Vocational School Building Please click on the link below for directions https://goo.gl/maps/bntTRr8bd5x