Kol Nidre Sermon 2018

Kol Nidre Sermon 2018/5779 What’s the point of Yom Kippur? The customs are to afflict ourselves by not eating for the next 24 hours and to spend much of that time here at Temple praying…it seems like a lot of trouble. So what’s the point? Will spending a day fasting and praying actually improve the Read More …

Erev Rosh Hashanah Sermon 2018

Erev RH Sermon 5779 Simply put, Judaism is the way of life of the Jewish people. That statement might surprise you, but let me explain. In the English-speaking Western world, Judaism is considered a religion, but actually, there are no equivalent words for “Judaism” or “religion” in the entire Torah; there are words for “faith,” Read More …

Kol Nidre Sermon 2017

On this very night, exactly 90 years ago in 1927, the founder of Reconstructionist Judaism, Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan was leading Kol Nidre services at his synagogue in New York City. What made this Kol Nidre service very unique was Kaplan’s omission of the Kol Nidre prayer. A Kol Nidre Service without the Kol Nidre prayer? Read More …