B’nei Mitzvah

The B’nei Mitzvah ceremony culminates your child’s Jewish education. At Temple Emmanuel’s CHAI School, we educate students in Jewish history, ethics, holidays, and Hebrew. By the time students reach the age of B’nei Mitzvah (12 or 13), they are prepared to take ownership of and pride in their Jewish identities.

“Bar Mitzvah” literally means “son of the commandment,” and similarly, “Bat Mitzvah” means “daughter of the commandment.” Practically speaking, the term is used to refer to a child who is coming of age,
thirteen years for boys and twelve years for girls are thus obligated to perform the Jewish mitzvot (commandments).

The B’nei Mitzvah is a celebration of your child and an important milestone in their Jewish Journey. At Temple Emmanuel, we believe learning and personal growth should be consistently joyful and meaningful. Click here to open the Temple Emmanuel B’nei Mitzvah Handbook for your reference. This document will answer most of your questions about the B’nai Mitzvah process at Temple Emmanuel. It is designed to make your planning process as easy and smooth as possible.

We are committed to helping you get the most out of your experience with this great tradition. Let us know how best we can help you!