Adult Education

Pirke Avot: Ethics of our Ancestors

Written in 200CE, this ethical text is as relevant, insightful, and meaningful today as it was 1800 years ago. In this class, we engage in conversation with the Rabbinic Sages as well as one another as we discuss Judaism’s distilled ethical teachings and famous quotes. No knowledge or background is necessary and all are welcome. The class meets on Wednesday nights from now and through February at 7:30pm. Email [email protected] for the Zoom link.

Making Prayer Meaningful

Have you ever asked yourself, what’s the point of prayer? How does it work? How come I haven’t experienced G-d while praying? Many experience difficulty with Jewish prayer, and this course offers many new modalities for understanding and engaging in prayer and in other Jewish traditions. This course is taught by Rabbi Michael Comins (founder of TorahTrek and author of Making Prayer Real) with Rabbi Greg as the discussion moderator. No background necessary and all are welcome. This class will meet weekly on Wednesday nights starting March 17th and continue through June. Email [email protected] for the Zoom link.