Issue 3: Passover Foods

Hello and welcome to The Shikhanovich Spiel, a weekly publication from congregation member Alex Shikhanovich. This digital newsletter will follow a variety of topics including, Jewish news, interpretations of the current week’s Torah portion, and a breakdown of Jewish holidays. 

This Passover season, I thought it would be fun to share some of the foods that help us get through the holiday. The following is a list displaying my five favorite foods that are kosher for Passover. Gefilte fish will absolutely not be making an appearance on this list. 

Gefrishte matzo

I find this to be an awesome option for breakfast during the Passover season. Similar to a matzo brei this dish is reminiscent of a matzo omelet. Topped with cheese and cut up into pizza-like slices, this matzah-based creation is a staple of my Passover diet

Almond Flour cake

This next item is vague but hang in there. Substituting almond flour for traditional flour opens up tons of delicious dessert possibilities for after your Seder meal. Although chocolate-covered matzo is a dessert staple, I highly recommend you try this one. I’m personally a fan of some of the chocolate ones that can be found in stores but there are really no wrong answers for this one. 

Matzo Ball soup

Forget Passover-specific meals, I could eat this any time. My favorite thing about this dish is its simplicity. But regardless of its seemingly basic ingredients, every household has a slightly different version of this classic dish. Whether it’s during Passover or just on some random Tuesday, Matzo ball soup never fails to hit the spot. 

Kosher for Passover Coke (yes it exists)

Now hear me out. Instead of the typical high-fructose corn syrup in two-liter bottles that we’ve grown used to, this recipe uses real sugar. Although I’m not a frequent soda drinker myself, this substitute can help get that sweet fix that you may get a craving for

Lox, cream cheese, and matzo (my favorite bagel substitute)

One of my all-time favorite foods is a bagel with cream cheese and lox. Swapping the bagel out with some matzo can help scratch the itch while staying within the restriction. Although it can never truly replace a true Bagel World creation, this can make for a neat replacement.